Empowering Our Partners

At iPhone Wireless, we are dedicated to turning our partners into informed advocates and providers of the Lifeline and Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).

Our comprehensive registration and training process equips agents with the knowledge and tools they need to serve communities effectively.

Interested partners can simply fill out our form, and we will guide them through the process of becoming certified partners in our network.


Enhancing Community Outreach

Supporting Community-Based Organizations: We partner with community-based organizations to extend our reach and impact. By integrating these organizations into our extensive network, we provide them access to training and resources, enabling them to facilitate program enrollment and offer ongoing support to their communities.

Benefits of Partnering with iPhone Wireless:

  • Access to specialized training and resources.
  • Opportunities to network with a nationwide community of service providers.
  • Enhanced capability to support eligible individuals in accessing free communication devices and services.

Program Advocacy and Integrity

Upholding Standards: At iPhone Wireless, we advocate for integrity and high standards in administering government assistance programs like Lifeline and ACP. We ensure all participating agents meet stringent criteria and receive the necessary training to enroll eligible customers responsibly.

Ensuring Compliance and Quality:

  • We require all agents to obtain a specific registration ID following our tailored educational programs.
  • Our compliance ensures that agents are well-prepared to handle enrollments, respecting all regulatory guidelines and providing exceptional service.

Connect With Us Today

Become a part of iPhone Wireless’s mission to bridge the digital divide. Whether you’re an individual seeking a free iPhone through Lifeline or ACP, or an organization aiming to help your community, iPhone Wireless is your trusted partner.

Get Involved:

  • Individuals: Visit our Apply Now page to check your eligibility and submit your application.
  • Organizations: Contact us to join our network and start making a difference today.

Contact and Support

For any questions or further information, please fill out our Contact Us form. Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you with any aspect of the application process or program details. Join us at iPhone Wireless, where technology meets community support.